Admissions open to Nursery - Grade 9 for the academic year 2024-25. The admissions to Grade XI are also open now.

Divine Providence School

Divine Providence School located in the serene atmosphere of greenery, between Muthanallur Cross and Chandapura, Harohalli, Divine Providence School Bangalore is a realization of a decade long wish of the Poor Servants of Divine Providence.

The school is developed and designed with a foresight into the tremendous metamorphosis that will grip the global education scenario in the coming years. The school follows the CBSE Curriculum and takes tremendous steps in innovation and exploring novel ideas to make learning interesting and meaningful. This exemplary campus stands in 10 acres of land. The Poor Servant Fathers and Brothers started it with a humble beginning, but with a clear vision and great dreams. On 26th of November 2017, foundation stone was laid for the school. On 1st June, 2018, the little ones began their education journey in this temple of knowledge. 

Divine Providence School is strongly based on Christian values and inspired by its Patron St. John Calabria. We look forward to design the value system in learners’ mind and to enable them to become integrated human beings, in whom heads and hearts are harmonized. In this conflict-ridden world, we are striving hard to bring out an educational movement to promote a culture of social, personal, spiritual, national peace and harmony. ‘Divine Providence’ is a place where teachers and parents work together to help children discover their strength and joy of learning. 

Our Vision

  • We, the Divinities believe that every individual is unique and has to make a choice in his or her life.

  • We believe that each child’s mind is a dwelling place of God.

  • We earnestly believe that being joined together in Divine Providence we grow into a holy temple in the Lord.

  • We believe in donating selfless, caring and sharing individual to the society.

  • We believe that anyone who comes to us is no longer a stranger or a foreigner, but fellow citizen and member of the household of God.

  • We so forth, ensure that no discrimination based on caste, creed, language, community or economic status will be made in our admission and other school policies.

  • We strongly uphold the dignity of every individual.

  • We integrate values into every aspects of child’s education to achieve our ultimate goal of blossoming the Human Excellence.

Our Mission

  • Through enjoyable stimulation and enriching learning environment, we train and bring out well educated, compassionate and motivated individuals.

  • To bring out dignified individuals who have internalized and characterized sound social, moral and spiritual values with a firm commitment to the establishment of a peaceful society around.

  • To create an ambience of respect and freedom, to foster a healthy team spirit and co-operation among the team members.

  • To provide an unconventional curriculum so that every child can develop wings for his/her dreams.

  • To develop interest to foster and nurture the nature in which one lives.

  • To awaken in everyone the qualities of gentleness, reconciliation and peaceful way of communication.

  • To develop in our students, emotional maturity, enabling them to face life in a balanced manner.